If your creating a web application in Visual Studio 2013 (VS2013) and run it, your site is hosted in IIS express. Your url is localhost with a random portnumber.
If you want integration with Facebook, other services or just want a custom domain in your browser then you can follow these steps.
- Go to the properties of your (MVC) web application
- Go to the web tab on the left
- Under Servers check the Override application root URL and fill in http://YourSubDomain.YourDomain.com
- Hit Create Virutal Directory
- Change the start url above under Start Action to http://YourSubDomain.YourDomain.com
- Go to your IIS Express settings under C:\Users\Ralph\Documents\IISExpress\config and open the applicationhost.config file.
- Find your site and adjust the binding<bindings>
<binding protocol=”http” bindingInformation=”*:80:YourSubDomain.YourDomain.com” />
</bindings> - Optionally add the binding for https (443)
- Go to your host file under C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and add YourSubDomain.YourDomain.com
- Run your site
If you get an error. Try to run your Visual Studio instance as Administrator.
How can I achieve this in VS2015 with a vNext project?
Thanks for the information but not worked. Got unable to launch the iss express web server ,